Action Plan

The needs following a disaster will likely outstrip the available CDBG-DR funding appropriation. Grantees will have to allocate finite resources based on a thorough analysis of unmet needs and the agency’s strategic priorities. The CDBG-DR Action Plan will describe an analysis and a plan to allocate available funding to a combination of housing, economic development, infrastructure, and services programs.

Citizen Participation Plan

The City encourages all citizens to participate in the development of the City's Consolidated Plan and Action Plans. The Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) also applies to any substantial amendments to the Consolidated Plan.

Quarterly Performance Reports (QPR)

Quarterly Performance Reports (QPR) are tools for grantees to identify progress towards statutory requirements, such as achievement of national objectives and expenditure milestones, and provide a vehicle for grantees to tell their stories of how investments are achieving results in their communities.

The QPR reports accomplishments for each quarter and on a cumulative basis at the grant and activity level by identifying accomplishments once a national objective has been met and providing narrative detail on progress of the grant as a whole and per activity.

Governing Laws and Regulations

Administration Projects

General Description: The City of Moore requested quotes from professionals for an online citizen participation platform for CDBG and CDBG-DR programs.

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General Description: The City of Moore requested quotes from qualified professionals for design services for neighborhood "gateways".

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General Description: The City of Moore receives technical assistance for the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) from Community Development Services. In 2014-2015 Dawn Jourdan was contracted by the hour to assist with the development of the RFP’s for the Comprehensive Plan Update and the Comprehensive Storm Water and Drainage Plan.

General Description: Certified Public Accountants perform an internal audit for the CDBG-DR program quarterly. The audit is conducted in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-133, the GAO Government Auditing Standards, as well as the Office of Inspector General, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Vendor: Horne, LLP

Contract Price: $65,000.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on July 16, 2014 for Internal Audit for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until August 6, 2014 and four (4) proposals were submitted. Horne, LLP was awarded the contract on September 15, 2014.

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Contract Price: $65,178.96

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on September 18, 2015 for Internal Audit for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until October 9, 2015 and one (1) proposal was submitted. Horne, LLP was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

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Vendor: Deloitte & Touche LLP

Contract Price: $60,750.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on March 31, 2017 for Internal Audit for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR). Proposals were accepted until May 1, 2017 and five (5) proposals were submitted. Deloitte & Touche LLP was awarded the contract on June 19, 2017.

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Vendor: Weaver & Tidwell LLP

Contract Price: $62,370.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on July 30, 2020 for Internal Audit for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR). Proposals were accepted until August 31, 2020 and four (4) proposals were submitted. Weaver & Tidwell, LLP was awarded the contract on October 5, 2020.

General Description: Engineering for the reconstruction of Bryant Avenue from SE 4th Street to SE 12th Street.

Vendor: Meshek & Associates

Contract Price: $270,623.50

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.

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General Description: Development of a new 4,300 linear feet long, 10 foot wide multi-purpose pedestrian trail with landscaping and supporting amenities commencing near the Plaza Towers Elementary School to approximately Eagle Drive and SW 10th Street around the Foxglove addition lake.

Vendor: Cabbiness Engineering

Contract Price: $74,500.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.

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Planning Projects

General Description: The Infrastructure Recovery and Implementation Plan (IRIP) will be used as a guide for the City in its recovery and resiliency efforts for the next five (5) years following the May 20, 2013 tornado. It will be used to guide capital improvements to water, wastewater, storm water, roadway, sidewalk, bikeway, trail, and open space infrastructure systems.

Vendor: Cardinal Engineering

Contract Price: $229,000.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on April 9, 2014 for Professional Services to complete the Infrastructure Recovery and Implementation Plan. Proposals were accepted until May 12, 2014 and four (4) proposals were submitted. Cardinal Engineering was awarded the contract on July 7, 2014.

General Description: The Hazard Mitigation Wall will be a wall constructed along Interstate 35 adjacent to the Southmoor Addition in between SW 4th Street and SW 19th street. It will be designed to withstand winds of a minimum of 135mph and will contain unique aesthetic design elements.

Vendor: Poe & Associates

Final Project Cost: $83,351.57

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on July 9, 2014 for Engineering and Design Services for the I-35 Hazard Mitigation Wall. Proposals were accepted until July 31, 2014 and three (3) proposals were submitted. Poe & Associates were awarded the contract on October 6, 2014.

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General Description: The City of Moore is working with consultants to prepare the Comprehensive Storm Water Management and Drainage Plan with the goal to develop a comprehensive, integrated storm water plan for the City, The plan will evaluate existing and potential drainage and flooding problems within the City and recommend capital improvement projects and/or programmatic measures to correct or avoid such problems. It will also provide a Compliance and Monitoring Plan for the Lake Thunderbird Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and establish a 5 year Storm Water Quality Management Plan.

Vendor: Meshek & Associates

Final Project Cost: $395,128.60

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on December 3, 2014 for Professional Services to complete the Comprehensive Storm Water Management and Drainage Plan. Proposals were accepted until January 7, 2015 and five (5) proposals were submitted. Meshek & Associates was awarded the contract on March 16, 2015.

General Description: An update to the Moore Vision 20/20, which includes public facilities, sewer and water utilities, parks, transportation, and economic development. The Comprehensive Plan serves as the major land use policy document for the City of Moore.

Vendor: Guernsey

Final Project Cost: $401,491.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on July 17, 2015 for Professional Services to complete a Comprehensive Plan update. Proposals were accepted until August 10, 2015 and six (6) proposals were submitted. Guernsey was awarded the contract on December 21, 2015.

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General Description: A Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) for the proposed Resiliency Center that is planned to be located at Central Park in the City of Moore. The BCA will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of the Disaster Recovery Grant Application for Phase 2 of the National Disaster Resilience Competition.

Vendor: CEC Infrastructure Solutions

Final Project Cost: $38,000.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.

General Description: Engineering and analysis required to prepare a benefit/cost analysis (BCA) for the implementation of smart water meters in the City of Moore. The BCA will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of the Disaster Recovery Grant Application for Phase 2 of the National Disaster Resilience Competition.

VendorPoe & Associates

Final Project Cost: $35,000.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.

General Description: On September 17, 2014, HUD released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - National Disaster Resilience Competition (CDBG-NDR). The Competition awarded almost $1 billion in funding for disaster recovery and long-term community resilience through a two-phase competition process. All states and units of general local governments with major disasters declared in 2011, 2012, and 2013 were eligible to participate in Phase I of the competition.

Vendor: Innovative Emergency Management

Contract Price: $96,734.02

Procurement Narrative:

A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on November 20, 2014 for Professional Services for a National Disaster Resiliency Competition Application. Proposals were accepted until December 12, 2014 and five (5) proposals were submitted. Innovative Emergency Management (IEM) was awarded the contract on January 5, 2015.

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General Description: Based on a review of the Phase I application, 40 states and communities were invited to compete in the second and final phase of the National Disaster Resilience Competition, the City of Moore being one of those applicants. Applicants were required to tie their proposals back to the eligible disaster from which they were recovering. Additionally, applicants were required to complete a benefit-cost analysis for the proposed projects.

Vendor: Innovative Emergency Management

Contract Price: $81,191.39

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on August 13, 2015 for Professional Services for a National Disaster Resiliency Competition Phase II Application. Proposals were accepted until September 2, 2015 and one (1) proposal was received. Innovative Emergency Management (IEM) was awarded the contract on September 21, 2015.

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Infrastructure Projects

General Description: A City Request for Proposals announcement was made on October 9 and 16, 2015 for public works on demand construction services. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting was held on October 26, 2015 and proposals were accepted October 30, 2015. The City received five (5) responses and a selection committee made up of City staff, CDBG Advisory Committee Members, and City Council completed evaluation score sheets for each proposal. Cimarron Construction, Rudy Construction, and Silver Star Construction scored the highest among the selection committee. Cimarron Construction was awarded a contract for drainage, Rudy Construction and Silver Star Construction was awarded a contract for drainage, paving, and emergency services by City Council on November 6, 2015.

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Cimarron Construction:

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Rudy Construction:

Silver Star Construction:

General Description: A City Request for Proposals announcement was made on May 13 and 20, 2015 for professional civil engineering services. Proposals were accepted until 4:00 pm on June 4, 2015. The City received 22 responses and a selection committee made up of City staff, CDBG Advisory Committee Members, and City Council completed evaluation score sheets for each proposal. Cabbiness Engineering, CEC Infrastructure Solutions, Poe & Associatees, and Meshek & Associates scored the highest among the selection committee and each firm was awarded a contract by City Council on September 8, 2015.

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Cabbiness Engineering:

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CEC Corporation:

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Meshek & Associates:

Poe & Associates:

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General Description: Street repair for SW 11th Street from Telephone Road to Heather Lane, SW 12th Street from Telephone Road to Heather Lane, SW 13th Street from Telephone Road to Heather Lane, SW 14th Street from Telephone Road to Heather Lane, SW 15th Street from Telephone Road to Janeway, Heather Lane from Janeway to SW 11th Street. Construction of two (2) parking lots with ten (10) spaces each. Construction of intersections at 11th Street/Heather Lane and south half of Heather Lane at Kings Manor. Valley Gutters at Kings Manor at stub SW 8th Street and SW 9th Street.

Vendor: Silver Star Construction

Final Project Cost: $2,129,578.14

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on May 30, 2014 for City of Moore Public Works Maintenance. Bids were accepted until June 20, 2014 and one (1) submittal was received. Silver Star Construction was awarded the contract on July 21, 2014.

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General Description: Project includes reconstruction of Eagle Drive, SW 10th Street., Ridgeway Drive, and SW 8th Street. The street repair will be a 12 foot easement on each side of the road.

Vendor: Rudy Construction and Veolia

Final Project Cost: $3,774,411.72

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Rudy Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

Rudy Construction has been contracted to do the following: Rehab/reconstruction of the asphalt/concrete road to provide improvements and safety enhancements. Plaza Tower`s Streets were built in 1962. The project location is on Eagle Drive, SW 10th Street, Ridgeway Drive, and SW 8th Street in the City of Moore. The roadway reconstruction will be a 12 foot easement on each side of the road. The replacement of the storm sewer drainage is within a utility easement between Cardan Place and Eagle Drive.

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Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC has been contracted to do the following: Water line replacement on Cardan Place, Fleming Circle and SW 8th Street. Extension of waterline through Little River Park.

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General Description: The development of sanitary sewer rehabilitation and/or replacement construction plans, from the project conception through construction completion. All design and construction requirements of the City of Moore and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, will be followed for the rehabilitation and/or the replacement of 9,000 linear feet of the 12”, 18” and 21” Little River Park Sanitary Sewer Interceptor.

Vendors: Cabbiness Engineering and Matthews Trenching

Final Project Cost: $1,824,130.36

Procurement Narrative:

  • Cabbiness Engineering: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.
  • Matthews Trenching: A City Bid announcement was made on January 18, 2017 for Little River Park Sanitary Sewer Interceptor rehabilitation/replacement. Bids were accepted February 20, 2017 and four (4) submittals were received. Matthews Trenching was awarded the contract on April 3, 2017.

Cabbiness Engineering was contracted for the following: Engineered construction plans for rehabilitation and/or replacement of approximately 9,000 linear feet of 12-inch, 18-inch, and 21-inch sanitary sewer related to the Little River Park sanitary sewer interceptor from approximately SW 4th Street and the Little River Park to approximately SW 27th Street and I-35.

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Matthews Trenching was contracted for the following: Construction services for Rehabilitation and/or replacement of approximately 9,000 linear feet of 12-inch, 18-inch, and 21-inch sanitary sewer related to the Little River Park sanitary sewer interceptor from approximately SW 4th ST and the Little River Park to approximately SW 27th ST and I-35.

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General Description: Construction of a sidewalk along SE 4th Street from Bryant to Eastern Avenue and crosswalk for Highland East Junior High.

Vendors: CEC Infrastructure Solutions and Rudy Construction

Final Project Cost: $927,141.60

Procurement Narrative:

  • CEC Infrastructure Solutions: City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.
  • Rudy Construction: A City bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Rudy Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

CEC Infrastructure Solutions was contracted for the following: Engineering plans for the construction of a trail from Veteran's Park to the railroad right of way with construction of a protective crossing at Highland East Junior High.

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Rudy Construction was contracted for the following: Construction services for a trail from Veteran's Park to the railroad right of way with construction of a protective crossing at Highland East Junior High.

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General Description: Rehab/reconstruction of the asphalt/concrete road to provide improvements and safety enhancements.The project location is on Telephone Road from Main Street to SW 4th Street. The roadway reconstruction will be 12 feet easements on each side of the road.

Vendor: Silver Star Construction

Final Project Cost: $898,607.50

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Silver Star Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

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General Description: Rehab/reconstruction of the asphalt/concrete road to provide improvements and safety enhancements. The project location is on Telephone Road from 4th Street to 19th Street. An intersection will be constructed at 17th Street and Telephone Road.

Final Project Cost: $1,223,651.76

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on March 31 and April 7, 2017 for Construction services for the widening of South Telephone Road. Bids were accepted until May 1, 2017 and five (5) submittals were received. Silver Star Construction was awarded the Contract on June 5, 2017.

Cabbiness Engineering was contracted for the following: Engineered construction plans for the asphalt milling and overlay of Telephone Road between SW 13th Street and SW 4th Street.

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Silver Star Construction was contracted for the following: Construction services for the asphalt milling and overlay of Telephone Road between SW 13th Street and SW 4th Street.

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General Description: Sidewalk improvement in front of Baer's Westmoore neighborhood, on the south side of SW 19th Street.

Vendor: Rudy Construction

Final Project Cost: $90,232.69

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Rudy Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

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General Description: Panel replacements throughout the JD Estates neighborhood on SE 5th Street, 6th Street, 7th Street, 8th Street, Whispering Oaks Blvd, Hazelwood Street, Pinewood Drive, Post Oak Lane, Cottonwood Drive, and South Bryant streets.

Vendor: Rudy Construction

Final Project Cost: $394,154.39

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Rudy Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

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General Description: Panel Replacements throughout the Eastmoor neighborhood on Silverleaf Drive, Bouziden Drive, Avery Drive, Patterson Drive, SE 5th Court, SE 6th Street, SE 7th Court, SE 8th Street, and Eastmoor Court.

Vendor: Silver Star Construction

Final Project Cost: $179,615.95

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Silver Star Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

General Description: Street repair and replacement from SE 19th Street to SE 4th Street, drainage work, and waterline replacement and relocation.

Vendor: Silver Star Construction, Veolia Water North America-Central, and Poe & Associates

Final Project Cost: $3,292,726.87

Procurement Narrative:

  • Silver Star Construction: A City bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and one (1) submittal was received. Silver Star Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.
  • Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC: A City bid announcement was made on August 12, 2015 for Operations, Maintenance, and Management Services. Bids were accepted until September 11, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC was awarded the contract on December 21, 2015.
  • Poe & Associates: City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.

Poe & Associates was contracted for the following: Engineered construction plans for the widening and reconstruction of South Broadway Avenue, extending from SW 4th Street to the south line of Southmoor Addition.

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Silver Star Construction was contracted for the following: Construction services for the widening and reconstruction of South Broadway Avenue, extending from SW 4th Street to the south line of Southmoor Addition.

Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC was contracted for the following: Waterline replacement and relocation in Southmoor Addition and Broadway. Provide material, labor, and equipment to replace 9,200 linear feet of 6 inch water line, install 106 existing double services, and 18 long double sets, 6 fire hydrants, 4-8" x 30" relocation and lowering, driveway replacements and street crossing replacements.

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General Description: Drainage improvements along Little River including Detention Ponds and Channel Improvements.

Vendors: Meshek & Associates and Downey Contracting

Contract Price: $10,347,808.75

Procurement Narrative:

  • Meshek & Associates: City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.
  • Downey Contracting: A City Bid announcement was made on February 23, 2018 for Little River Park Drainage Improvements. Bids were accepted March 26, 2018 and three (3) submittals were received. Downey Contracting, LLC was awarded the contract on May 7, 2018.
  • Marshall Fence Construction, Inc.: A City Bid announcement was made on June 26, 2019 for materials and installation of fencing along the Little River Channel at the Little River Park. Proposals were accepted until July 29, 2019 and eight (8) proposals were received. Marshall Fence Construction Inc. was awarded the contract on August 19, 2019.
  • Silver Star Construction: The request for quote was sent out on June 1, 2021 for construction of an additional section of dam embankment to the Little River Park detention facility. Quotes were accepted until June 15, 2021 and three (3) quotes were submitted. Silver Star Construction was the lowest quote and the contract was awarded on July 8, 2021.
  • D&G Fence Company, LLC: The City requested quotes between June 1, 2021 and June 9, 2021 from six (6) companies for the installation of 320' ft. chain link fence. D&G Fence was the only submittal and was awarded the contract July 21, 2021.

Meshek & Associates was contracted for the following: Engineered construction plans for drainage improvements along Little River including Detention Ponds and Channel Improvements.

Downey Contracting was contracted for the following: Construction services for drainage improvements along Little River including detention ponds and channel improvements.

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Marshall Fence Construction, Inc. was contracted for the following: Materials and installation of fencing along the Little River channel at Little River Park.

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Silver Star Construction was contracted for the construction of an additional section of dam embankment to the Little River Park detention facility.

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D&G Fence Company, LLC was contracted for 320' ft. of chain link fence to create a barrier between park land and the adjacent church property.

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General Description: Replacement of Eagle Drive from SW 19th Street to SW 14th Street with the addition of sidewalks and a gateway sign for the Foxglove housing addition.

Vendor: Rudy Construction

Final Project Cost: $736,439.42

Procurement Narrative: A City Bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Rudy Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

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General Description: Road and streetscape work along SW 11th Street from Penn Lane to Eagle Drive and on Eagle Drive from SW 14th Street to SW 11th Street. This project also includes construction of a bridge box connection SW 11th Street on the west side of Plaza Towers Elementary.

Vendors: Cardinal Engineering and Rudy Construction

Final Project Cost: $2,166,160.96

Procurement Narrative: A City Bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Rudy Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

Cardinal Engineering was contracted for the following: Engineered plans for completion of SW 11th Street across an existing channel, as well as public storm sewer improvements necessary to enable extension of the subject roadway. As well as three (3) conceptual sketches/renderings of design concept for area surrounding project. Sketches shall include/consider reconstructed Plaza Towers Elementary, drainage way, common areas, and Trails Master Plan documented in City of Moore PATH 2022.

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Rudy was contracted for the following: Construction services for completion of SW 11th Street across an existing channel, as well as public storm sewer improvements necessary to enable extension of the subject roadway. As well as construction of drainage way, common areas, and streetscape.

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General Description: The reconstruction of Janeway and Janeway Circle will consist of the removal of current roadway, curb, and gutter and the construction of a new roadway, curb, and gutter. The construction of Dreessen Drive will consist of the installation of the roadway, curb, and gutter. The section of Dreessen Drive to be constructed is approximately 150 feet just south of SW 12th Street. The intersection of SW 12th Street and Dreessen Drive will also be reconstructed. The reconstruction for the intersection will include the demolition of the current roadway, curb, and gutter.

Vendors: All Roads Construction, Inc.

Contract Price: $467,062.24

Procurement Narrative: A City Bid announcement was made on July 8 and 15, 2020 and published in the local newspaper, “The Daily Oklahoman,” translated in Spanish in the “El Latino American,” and on the City’s website for Construction Services. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting was held on July 2, 2020. All who intended on submitting a bid were required to attend. The bids were due August 10, 2020.

There was a bid opening on August 10, 2020 and the City received six responses. City staff tabulated all responses and All Roads Paving, Inc. was the best and lowest bid. All Roads Paving, Inc. was awarded the contract for South Janeway Street Replacement by City Council on September 8, 2020.

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General Description: The project consists of the replacement of 3,750 feet of water line. The water line to be replaced is located in the Plaza Towers neighborhood and runs from SW 5th Street to Penn Lane, Penn Lane to SW 10th Street, Newport Avenue and SW 10th Street in Moore, Oklahoma, Cleveland County. The water line replacement will consist of the removal of the current line and installation of a new water line.

Vendor: Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC

Contract Price: $180,407.00

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on August 12, 2015 for Operations, Maintenance, and Management Services. Bids were accepted until September 11, 2015 and one (1) submittal was received. Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC was awarded the contract on December 21, 2015.

General Description: The project consists of the replacement of approximately 2,130 feet of 8 inch sewer line across from the Baers Westmore neighborhood. The sewer line runs along SW 19th Street from Lakecrest Drive to Goodrich Drive.

Vendor: Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC

Contract Price: $277,072.50

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on August 12, 2015 for Operations, Maintenance, and Management Services. Bids were accepted until September 11, 2015 and one (1) submittal was received. Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC was awarded the contract on December 21, 2015.

General Description: The project consists of the replacement of approximately 3,000 feet of 8 inch sewer line in the Eastmoor neighborhood. The sewer lines run along Silver Leaf Drive from SE 8th Street to SE 4th Street, Patterson Drive from SE 8th Street to SE 4th Street, and Bouziden Drive from SE 8th Street to SE 4th Street.

Vendor: Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC

Contract Price: $425,685.00

Procurement Narrative: A City bid announcement was made on August 12, 2015 for Operations, Maintenance, and Management Services. Bids were accepted until September 11, 2015 and one (1) submittal was received. Veolia Water North America-Central, LLC was awarded the contract on December 21, 2015.

Public Facilities

General Description:

  • Two (2) to five (5) year old tot lot and five (5) to twelve (12) year old playground
  • Five (5) benches and three (3) picnic tables
  • Poured-in-place Safety Surfacing with custom graphics and design patterns

Vendor: Playwell Group and Rudy Construction

Final Project Cost: $610,666.03

Procurement Narrative:

  • Playwell Group: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on February 9, 2016 for Playground Equipment for Little River Park. Bids were accepted until April 5, 2016 and ten (20) submittals were received. The Playwell Group was awarded the contract on August 15, 2016.
  • Rudy Construction: A City Bid announcement was made on October 9, 2015 for City of Moore Public Works On-Demand Construction Services. Bids were accepted until October 30, 2015 and five (5) submittals were received. Rudy Construction was awarded the contract on November 16, 2015.

Playwell Group was contracted for construction of the playground.

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Rudy Construction was contracted for the site preparation work.

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General Description:

  • Construction of a 7,500 total square foot flow-through spray park and sidewalk per drawings
  • Spray park deck integral colored concrete 6,150 square feet to be tan and silversmoke gray or similar
  • Supply and install Vortex equipment as per drawings
  • Supply and install water feature piping from Vortex Vault Command Center manifold to water features
  • Supply and install electrical conduit from controller to activator
  • Construct an elevated 18 inch seat wall
  • Supply and install ten (10) shades: three (3) cantilever shades and seven (7) 11x11 kite shades
  • Supply and install six (6) park benches
  • Supply and install seven (7) UrbanScape Portage (PODN31C Forest Green) tables
  • Supply and install a six (6) foot tall black rod iron fence to enclose the spray park. The fence will include an ADA compliant swing gate with a latch and lock. The fence will be capped and will include a concrete weed barrier strip that is 18 inches wide and 4 inches deep along the fence line. The fence will be set six feet from the edge of the Splashpad
  • Supply and install Bermuda sod around spray park
  • Start-up, programming and operator training by manufacturer’s representative

Vendor: RJR Enterprises

Final Project Cost: $844,614.05

Procurement Narrative: A City Request for Proposal announcement was made on February 9, 2016 for a spray park at Little River Park. Bids were accepted until April 5, 2016 and four (4) submittals were received. RJR Enterprises was awarded the contract on August 15, 2016.

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Housing Rehabilitation Program

This program ran from July 2015-October 2016.

To be Eligible:

  1. The property must have been damaged by the events from May 18, 2013 through June 2, 2013 as covered by the Presidential Disaster Declaration of May 20, 2013 collectively known as the "disaster events."
  2. This program will not fund new construction or reconstruction. Reconstruction will be defined as requiring total construction costs in excess of 75% of the after rehabilitation appraised value.
  3. The property must be the primary residence of applicant, and the applicant must have resided at the property at the time of the disaster events.
  4. Second homes are not eligible as well as outbuildings that are not integral to the residence.
  5. Applicants must be the current property owner as well as owned the property at the time of the disaster events.
  6. The homeowner applicant as well as all current household members must be U.S. citizens or have a Residential Alien status.

Procurement Narrative:

The City of Moore has determined housing rehabilitation will address Moore’s long term recovery. Because Moore is a small CDBG formula based recipient, it does not have an established housing rehabilitation program, nor can a program be developed and established in time to meet the expenditure requirements of the CDBG-DR funds. The HUD Oklahoma City field office recommended that the City of Moore utilize the City of Oklahoma City’s Housing Rehabilitation Program to accomplish this activity. The City of Oklahoma City agreed to assist Moore with it’s program.

Vendor: Oklahoma City

General Description: fence installation, window repair, new garage door installation, exterior painting, ceiling patching and painting, and storm shelter installation.

Vendors: Unlimited Construction and Tornado Safe

Final Project Cost: $18,623.81

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General Description:

  • Reset all loose brick, rock, block, and point all cracks
  • Replace fence and gates
  • replace exterior door
  • replace garden doors
  • replace 8 windows
  • replace 2 skylights
  • exterior painting and caulking

Vendors: Total Home Exterior

Final Project Cost: $15,477.98

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General Description:

  • Replace 1 entry door including interior and exterior casing and brick mold
  • Install gutters
  • Replace shingle molding, frieze board, and fascia
  • Replace section of soffit adjacent
  • Replace all siding and trim
  • New garage door
  • Replace soffit vent
  • Install tile backsplash
  • Install window sill and apron
  • Install missing shelf and closet rod
  • Tornado Shelter Installation

Vendors: LG Construction Co. and Tornado Safe

Final Project Cost: $25,537.60

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The Curve (SW 17th/Janeway Redevelopment)

The City received Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in response to the May 20, 2013 tornado. A portion of this grant will be used to fund The Curve, a mixed-income, mixed-use development. The Curve will be located at SW 17th and Janeway Avenue, where the Royal Park Mobile Home community once stood. The site is a little over 14 acres. It will include three (3) buildings, one of which will be mixed use. There will be 244 total units, including 219 affordable units and 25 market rate units. There will also be 4,650 square feet of commercial/retail space. Amenities will include an open common area, a business center, a 24-hour fitness center, a swimming pool, a communal barbecue area, a community landmark structure, a green space and a community landmark structure. The total development cost will be $49,725,887, which includes a $15,960,249.45 subsidy provided by the CDBG-DR funds. The Curve development will be one of the final projects that will be funded by CDBG-DR for the City of Moore. It is also the biggest project the City will complete with this grant. The City first purchased the land in 2015 and has since completed demolition, utility installation, and a masterplan for the project. Development of the masterplan included several public meetings and workshops that gathered citizen input from all across the Moore community.

General Description: The City of Moore solicited three (3) firms for Acquisition Services. The City received quotes from Pinnacle Consulting Management Group, Smith-Roberts Land Services Inc., and Coates Field Services, Inc. Pinnacle Consulting Management Group was the lowest and best bid. A contract was executed on September 26, 2014.

Vendor: Pinnacle Consulting

Final Project Costs:

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General Description: A master plan for a 14.4-acre site located at SW 17th and Janeway Avenue. The City has indicated its vision is to include new urbanist principles to develop a master plan for a “village center” concept that will include mixed income housing, as well as the possibility of an additional market driven mix of uses. A consultant will lead a team in facilitating community visioning process with a variety of stakeholders, to include a vision and design charrette, that will ultimately result in a master development plan for the site and a regulating framework, such as a hybrid form-based code or a feasible alternative, that ensures the plan’s implementation.


Butzer Gardner Architects- Terminated
Meshek & Associates

Final Project Cost: $308,266.96

Procurement Narrative: A Request for Proposals for SW 17th/Janeway Master Planning was published on January 28 and February 4, 2015. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting was held on February 19, 2015. The proposals were due on February 27, 2015. The City received seven responses and a selection committee made up of city staff the CDBG Advisory Committee Members, and City Council completed evaluation score sheets for each proposal. Butzer Gardner Architects was awarded a contract by city council on July 20, 2015.

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Procurement Narrative: City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.

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General Description: Phase I and II Environmental Assessments for asbestos and lead inspections.

Vendors: Lochner and Marshall Environmental Management

Final Project Cost: $19,127.00

Procurement Narrative: The City of Moore received three (3) written quotes and chose Lochner and Marshall Environmental Management.

General Description: Services for asbestos removal for the Royal Park Development Tract. The Royal Park Development Tract consists of four (4) structures located at: 701 SW 17th Street; 1719 S Janeway Avenue; 1716 Keith Court; and 704 McClaren Street – Moore, OK 73160. Details of the status of each building are contained in The Marshall Environmental Management, Inc. Asbestos Inspection Report of March 9, 2015.

Vendor: AMX Environmental

Final Project Cost: $45,712.00

Procurement Narrative: Services for asbestos removal for the Royal Park Development Tract. The Royal Park Development Tract consists of four (4) structures located at: 701 SW 17th Street; 1719 S Janeway Avenue; 1716 Keith Court; and 704 McClaren Street – Moore, OK 73160. Details of the status of each building are contained in The Marshall Environmental Management, Inc. Asbestos Inspection Report of March 9, 2015.

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General Description: Services for demolition of 701 SW 17th Street, 1719 S Janeway Avenue, 1716 Keith Court, 704 McClaren Street, Moore, OK 73160 including accessory structures, garages, porches, pools, and fence.

Vendor: K&M Wrecking

Final Project Cost: $88,000.00

Procurement Narrative: A City Bid announcement was made on January 8, 2016 for Demolition for Royal Park Development Tract. Bids were accepted February 1, 2016 and five (5) submittals were received. K&M Wrecking was awarded the contract on February 16, 2016.

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General Description: Construction Services for the SW 17th/Janeway Redevelopment Preliminary Site Grading and Utility Design.

Vendors: Meshek & Associates, Silver Star Construction, and Brewer Construction

Contract Price: $1,580,273.75

Procurement Narrative:

  • Meshek & Associates: City Request for Proposal announcement was made on May 13, 2015 for Civil Engineering Services for Disaster Recovery. Proposals were accepted until June 4, 2015 and 23 proposals were submitted. The following firms were selected: Meshek & Associates, Poe & Associates, Cabbiness Engineering, and CEC Infrastructure Solutions.
  • Silver Star Construction: A City Request Bid announcement was made on March 31, 2017 for SW 17th/Janeway Redevelopment Preliminary Site Grading Phase I. Bids were accepted until May 1, 2017 and five (5) submittals were received. Silver Star Construction was awarded the contract on June 5, 2017.
  • Brewer Construction: A City Request Bid announcement was made on December 13, 2017 for construction of utility design for the SW 17th/Janeway redevelopment. Bids were accepted until January 16, 2018 and four (4) responses were received. Brewer Construction was awarded the contract on February 5, 2018. Contractor to follow construction plans for Janeway Village Utility Design prepared by Meshek & Associates.

Meshek & Associates:

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Silver Star Construction:

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Brewer Construction:

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Vendor: Compass Group, LLC

Contract Amount: $13,000.00

Vendor: Belmont Development and Rise Residential

Subsidy Amount: $15,960,249.45

Procurement Narrative: The City sought qualifications and competitive proposals to select a development team to design, finance, build, and manage a mixed-use, mixed income project with at least 200 units of housing to a maximum of 412 units (of which 80% must be affordable) complemented with retail space, common area, parking spaces, and amenities within the development area consistent with the SW 17th/Janeway Masterplan. The request for qualifications and proposals were published on July 7th and responses were due to the City on October 6, 2017. City Council awarded the contract to Belmont Development on December 17, 2018.

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Down Payment Assistance Program

The Down Payment Assistance Program, started by the City of Moore and managed by Neighborhood Housing Services, ran from March 2017 through December 2019. This program’s mission was to offer closing cost, down payment, and equity buy down assistance to low-to-moderate income citizens. Recipients of funding had to have a total household income that was below the median area income, meeting the definition of the low-to-moderate income National Objective. Homes had to be purchased in the defined 2013 disaster area. During the life of the program three families were assisted.

Total Project Cost: $95,369.63

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Procurement Narrative: The City of Moore published a request for qualifications for a subrecipient to operate a down payment and closing cost assistance program. The request for qualifications was published on December 29, 2016 and January 5, 2017. The qualifications were due January 30, 2017. The city received two (2) responses and Neighborhood Housing Services of Oklahoma received the highest score among the selection committee. They were awarded the contract by City Council on March 20, 2017.

Vendor: Neighborhood Housing Services of Oklahoma

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Internal Audit Reports

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